This young girl means so much to me and touched my heart. She lost her mother to sepsis in December of 2017.
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What a great 2 days it was in Louisville to bring sepsis awareness to around 1000 people from all over the state of Kentucky. It was an honor to meet Dr. Carl Flately the founder of Sepsis Alliance. The State of Kentucky FCCLA raised around $12,000 to go to Sepsis Alliance.
Thanks to the fine people of of Grayson County High School and their hospitality They allowed me to come and share about Sepsis.
I would like to thank all of the fisherman, the sponsors, and the people that made the first Sepsis Alliance Bass Tournament a success today. A special thanks to the Washington County High School FCCLA members and teachers who donated their time to make this happen. The real winner of the tournament was as approximately $2000.00 was raised to bring awareness to others about the disease that kills more people than breast cancer, prostrate cancer and AIDS combined and few people know little about. Again THANK YOU!! Please come out and serve a worthy cause as all money will be donated to Sepsis Alliance and Erin's Campaign for Kids. A bag lunch will be served at end of the tournament. ![]()
I was honored to be able to give a presentation on Sepsis to the wonderful students and staff at Bourbon County High School this week.
Well I went to UK ICU today to visit some very special people and they wanted their picture with me. I was happy to see these smiling faces and so thankful for what they do each and every day. SAVE LIVES!!
Well my application was approved to be a volunteer at the University of Kentucky hospital. I can't wait to get started on the new venture of my life and helping others.
I went to for my interview today to be a volunteer for the University of Kentucky and critical ill patients. Hopefully I can make a difference to the those at the University of Kentucky that needs the perspective of a critical ill patient back in 2015.
Well looks like I will soon be a volunteer for the University of Kentucky Hospital as a volunteer. Details to follow
I have discovered over the past 2 weeks there is no miracle cure for what I have or more drugs isn't going to make it any better. Its been just the opposite for me that less drugs are better and determination to keep your body strong. I would recommend working out and keeping a positive attitude and small accomplishments seen to work better. For all the others out there that have went through Sepsis and ARDS to keep pushing forward knowing that the next day will be better than the last.
![]() Thank you to all of the people that had a hand in approving the fund raiser for Sepsis. As a survivor it means so much to me but a lot more to raise awareness to those that have no clue about this dreaded condition. I cant wait to speak to you about Sepsis and how it changes your life. Thank you again for a great cause that so many know nothing about. .Never give up !!!, I had sepsis and ARDS and spents 58 days in the hospital. It was one of my small goals was to kill a turkey. Dont give up!!!!
LOGOI have updated site with a logo. I have more good news forthcoming, stay tuned.
![]() ERIN'S CAMPAIGN FOR KIDS Super excited that the KY Family Career and Community Leaders of America is considering Sepsis awareness as their 2017-2018 community service project. This would include over 150 chapters and 4500 students from all across the state who would be raising money and awareness of Sepsis, especially in children. Sepsis Alliance is a charitable organization run by a team of dedicated laypeople and healthcare professionals who share a strong commitment to battling sepsis. The organization was founded in 2007, by Dr. Carl Flatley, whose daughter Erin died of sepsis when she was 23 years old. Sepsis Alliance was created to raise sepsis awareness among both the general public and healthcare professionals. Sepsis awareness can and does save lives, yet only 55% of American adults have ever heard the word. Sepsis Alliance also gives a voice to the millions of people who have been touched by sepsis – to the survivors, and the friends and family members of those who have survived or who have died. Survivors and those left behind often feel as if they are alone. Does anyone know anything about programming with javascript. I need it to be when a member signs in it automatically populates the email fields on the EZ Caregiver page. Have to remember the patient will not be able to type this in.
If anyone needs help with how the site works please email me or call and I will walk you though it.
I have posted on a couple websites about why cant the patient and/or caregiver be informed about the possible complications to come months and years later. I understand there are some legal battles and several reasons why it cant happen. But why cant the patient and/or caregiver be informed its possible they might develop PTSD or an anxiety/panic attacks. It doesntt have to say they will be its possible and things to looks for. Its not for any particular medical condition but for long term ICU care there will be some things that are different for you years later. From everything I have read about PICS (Post ICU Syndrome) things tend to be a little different for some if not most people. Just as HIPPA was formed why cant something be formed for a more informative way (video or pamphlet) to patients before they are released.......Just a RANT
I had to add some comments about my app verses other similar apps on the about page in BLUE. All of the others use an ipad which a lot of people don't have and cost money to download. Mine is totally free.
Had to add Dr. Ashley Montgomery's picture to the home page. She is a huge part of my recovery and will always be family.
On the home page I couldn't help but to give a shout out to my critical care DR. Ashley Montgomery.
Darrell RaikesA retired engineer who had to leave their career due to traumatic health issues, now dedicated to sharing their experiences and helping others navigate similar challenges. Archives
December 2024